A residential entry door.

Entry Door Lock Not Working? The Frame Might Be to Blame

People often find that their locks or doors are not working properly and assume that the lock needs to be repaired or replaced. In many cases, however, the problem actually lies with the door or door frame. In these situations, door repair or door frame repair might be needed. These are some of the most common issues which door repair or door jamb repair services from an experienced locksmith might be needed. Read more “Entry Door Lock Not Working? The Frame Might Be to Blame”

Patio Doors

A Reinforced Lock on Your Patio Door Can Protect Your Home from Thieves

An experienced burglar can break into a home in a matter of seconds. In many cases, thieves break in through the back door. You probably have a deadbolt on your front door, but if you have a patio door, you could be vulnerable. You need to take extra precautions to make your home less attractive to thieves and prevent them from breaking in through your patio door.

Read more “A Reinforced Lock on Your Patio Door Can Protect Your Home from Thieves”