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How Keyless Entry Locks Can Improve Security at Your Home or Business

What problems can keyless entry locks prevent?

Most people carry a keychain with keys to their home, car, and possibly other people’s homes, storage units, and other places. The main drawback to carrying a keychain is that it can be lost. If you misplace your keys and someone else finds them, that person can gain access to your home and steal your belongings. If you lose your keys, you will need to have the locks changed to stop someone from gaining unauthorized access.

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Property Management & Master Keys - All American Locksmiths

How Can Many Locks Be Opened with a Master Key?

Property managers and maintenance staff who work in large apartment buildings do not want to have to carry around a separate key for each and every unit. Locks can be keyed in a way that allows them all to be opened with a single master key, which makes things easier for people who need to be able to gain access to each apartment to make repairs.

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Residential Locksmith in CT

Have Your Locks Changed or Rekeyed after You Move

If you have recently moved into a new house or are planning to do so soon, you probably have a million things on your mind. Between signing papers, packing, unpacking, decorating, meeting your new neighbors, and enrolling your kids in school, it can be easy to overlook something that is essential to your family’s safety. After you have moved into a new house, you should have your locks changed or rekeyed.

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