Keyless Entry Systems Are an Important Element of Modern Building Security

As schools and government buildings update their security procedures to prevent unwanted intruders from gaining access, so too should businesses think about whether their security procedures are outdated. One way to modernize building security is by installing keyless entry technology.

What is a Keyless Entry System?

Keyless entry into a building is the safest, most secure way to control access to a building or to important restricted areas. Traditional keys or keypads offer entry to anyone who can copy a key or learn the access codes. (And employees can’t always be relied upon to not share either keys or entry codes with family members, friends, ex-coworkers or others.)

Any business, industry or another enterprise with a building that houses offices, inventory, supplies, documents and more can benefit from a modern keyless entry system. Each controlled access system can be designed for a specific company or organization’s individual needs and requirements.

How Are Keyless Entry Systems Safer?

Because keyless entry systems do not utilize a key, unwanted visitors cannot use a bump key to access your business property. In addition, these systems are ideal for any business that needs to—or wishes to—monitor those that enter the premises. It shows proof of what time as well since they use electronic codes, cards, or key fobs that can record entry data. Because these systems are programmable from within your business, you also have the capability of denying access to specific persons without having to purchase a new system or even change the locks each time.

The software interface with a keyless entry system can be designed to automatically lock and unlock doors based on a time system, restricting access to only employees who should be there at that time. You can use the software to set alerts for irregularities and run reports later about who accessed the building and when.

Call a Professional Locksmith Service

In Connecticut and Westchester County, New York, All American Locksmiths provides residential, commercial and automotive services for customers of all types, including the installation of keyless entry systems. We are a family-owned and operated locksmith business; we care about every job and offer professional, reliable, fast, and affordable service to the community. For more information, contact us today!  


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